Friday, November 20, 2015

The Title

The title is most likely the very first thing your reader will notice about your story. Therefore, it's important for the title to be interesting, but not overly-complicated. Here are a few tips to consider when choosing a title for your story.

You don't have to come up with a title right away. Even if you do, keep in mind that you might want to change it eventually. With the stories I've written, I often don't come up with a title until I've already written a good chunk of the story - sometimes not even until I've finished a draft or two!

Keep it simple! If your title is too complicated or difficult to remember, it might be a little harder to catch a reader's attention with the title alone. There are exceptions, however, and it depends on the way you're planning to present your story. But as a general rule, keeping it short and simple, like The Lightning Thief or Wonderstruck is ideal.

This website has a lot of great information about choosing a title.


  1. I have a hard time with giving animals names but titles seems to come to me pretty easily. However, I wish I would have came up with something more catching for my blog title.

  2. Coming up with titles is literally the HARDEST part for me. I'm not sure why I always seem to have a problem, but I can't easily think of a unique title for anything.
