Monday, August 24, 2015


Greetings, fellow fantasy fans! Welcome to the Adventurer's Guide, a blog dedicated to tips and advice about fantasy writing. As a long time writer, I've picked up some guidelines over the years that I've found to be very helpful, and I'm excited to get the chance to share them with you here.

My name is Annalee, and I've been writing for nearly ten years now. I've written mermaids, mages, elves, angels, and even cities you can only access on the back of a giant bird! Whether you've been writing for twenty years or twenty minutes, writing can be one of the most difficult things in the entire world of art - especially when it comes to fantasy. In a world of your very own, you get to decide how everything works. There's no "right" or "wrong" way to do it, which is both a blessing and a curse.

It's important to mention that this is not a "how-to" blog - this is simply a collection of methods and ideas that have been useful to me, and many others as well. Writers inspiring other writers is one of the most important elements of the whole story-making process.

I'll be covering a number of topics that are commonly struggled with in fantasy writing, as well as some personal experiences of mine that have helped me improve as a writer.

Oh, and before we even begin, it's helpful for writers to have a good, quiet writing space to retreat to! Here's a picture of what mine looks like when I'm at home:

Thanks for reading - now, let's get writing!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I've enjoyed reading your blog so far! I have learned many things about fantasy writing from your posts and I'm glad that you chose such an interesting topic of writing. I didn't realize that a fantasy writing is literally whatever you chose it to be about. It's your world and your imagination and I find that intriguing. I'm interested in seeing what your next blog posts have to offer.

  4. I think that a quite space to work is very important. It is so easy to lose a good idea when you get distracted. Once it is gone sometimes it never comes back and it can be disappointing.

  5. I love that you said that you can decide everything and that could be a blessing or a curse. that's so true. also I totally agree about finding a quite space. distractions are always my worst enemy.
